2012-10-26 17:01:24

Archbishop Slattery: final Synod document poses a big challenge to priests

(Vatican Radio) Present at the Synod of Bishops of the New Evangelization is Archbishop William Slattery of Pretoria in South Africa, representing the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference which comprises Botswana, Swaziland and South Africa.

Speaking to Vatican Radio's Linda Bordoni, he highlights the salient points of his own intervention at the Synod, reflects upon the need for better formation for priests in his part of the world. and looks ahead to the final document which, he says, will be extremely pastoral in tone, and will pose a big challenge for priests on the ground...

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Archbishop Slattery says the Synod is a wonderful experience because it really is a world-wide event and gives representatives of even the smallest nations the chance to express their own ideas and speak of the challenges each of them face.

He explains the reasons he began his intervention at the Synod highlighting the concept of "belonging" which - he says - is at the heart of community.

He gives a theological explanation of the concept of belonging and concludes that God wants us to belong to him, and it is the nature of God to belong.

And he says it is a very powerful concept also spiritually speaking for our prayer life.

He also dedicates his attention to the need to belong within society, within family, within the human race.

Bishop Slatterly says it is at the heart of our theology and our understanding of God and our understanding of the Christian Church. The Church he says "is basically a community of communities and community is essentially a belonging".

He says it is one of the areas we have to struggle with sometimes: parishes are big, and modern life has become so dispersive. That is a weakness that we have. He says that human beings experience loneliness and isolation, and the Church is there to give a sense of belonging, to fill the spiritual void of extreme individualism.

He points out that in Africa "belonging" is a richness at the heart of tribal culture.

But he says that Africa is today is very influenced by Western culture and people are disoriented and are loosing some important values.

Bishop Slattery speaks of the failure of catechists and of poor formation given to so many priests in Africa and points to the final Synod document as a pastoral guide that will pose a big challenge to the clergy.

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