2012-10-12 09:26:42

Syria: tensions remain high between Turkey and Russia

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan says the cargo Turkey seized from a Syrian passenger plane that was forced to land in Ankara -- contained military equipment and ammunition destined for Syria's government. The Turkush Prime Minister told reporters that a Russian supplier had provided the illicit cargo. He did not elaborate on where Turkey received the intelligence or who in Russia had provided the materials. Listen to this report from regional correspondent Nathan Morley: RealAudioMP3

Turkish military jets forced the plane to land late Wednesday in the Turkish capital on suspicion that it was carrying weapons from Russia to the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad. A crew member on the plane said Turkish authorities handcuffed them and made them lay on the ground when searching the plane. The Syrian Air flight was allowed to complete its trip to Syria early Thursday, after Turkey confiscated what it called illicit cargo. Syria responded strongly to the forced landing and cargo seizure Thursday, saying Turkey's decision was "hostile and reprehensible" and that it amounted to piracy. Russia, a top ally of Assad, demanded an explanation from Turkey Thursday, saying its actions threatened the lives and safety of the passengers on board.

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