2012-09-12 16:31:26

Religion Today Film Festival: focusing on religion and society

(Vatican Radio) Conflicts, religions and (non)violence is the theme chosen to weave its way through this year's edition of the Religion Today Film Festival.

At its XVth edition, this festival which carries the subtitle "Exploring the Differences", tackles our particular moment in history which on one side sees widespread spiritual need and awakening, and on the other, a breakdown of trust and dialogue due to international tensions and the "clash" of civilizations in a globalised world.

Simone Semprini is one of the organizers of this festival which boasts the backing of a number of regional and cultural organizations, including that of SIGNIS - the World Catholic Association for Communication.

Semprini chatted to Vatican Radio's Linda Bordoni about the Film Festival that runs from 12th to 24th October with events in various Italian cities and towns.

listen to the interview... RealAudioMP3

Semprini explains that the festival has been part of the SIGNIS panorama for the past 4 or 5 years and every year the festival hosts a SIGNIS Jury.

He says that each year a different theme is chosen because it helps channel energies and provide a clear focus, but of course, he says, significant movies can be selected to participate even if they are not directly connected to the theme.

This year, he says, "we are trying to merge the two souls of the festival: the religious one and the social one".

Semprini says festival organizers are trying, once again, to put together religion and society; trying to foster a reflection on the role religions can play in international relations and in societies. Especially related to violence issues.

He explains that all the movies chosen to participate are competing for Awards. There is an internationial Jury which assigns the major prizes, and then there are other categories, with specific prizes.

Semprini says the festival foresees a lot of guest events, and this year the organisation is particularly attentive to the influences of other forms of art, such as theatre.

It is an itinerant festival, Semprini points out, in the sense that the Festival was born in the Northern town of Trento where it is located. However during the year there are events that take place in other venues across the Italian peninusula in the effort to spread the Festival's message of Meeting and Dialogue.

Semprini also explains that Italian films make up only about one fifth of the total works in competition. He says most films come from the Middle East and from Eastern Europe. They are all screened in original language and have English sub-titlles and - "when we can afford it" - also Italian subtitles.

For more news and information about the Religion Today Film Festival you can go to the webpage at www.religionfilm.com and to the Religion Today Film Festival facebook page.

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