2012-07-27 19:22:45

Olympics: a level playing field for all?

(Vatican Radio) It’s the world’s greatest sporting extravaganza. The 2012 Summer Olympic Games are now underway and will be followed by the Paralympics in late August. More than 10 thousand athletes from countries around the globe are competing in the London Olympics for a coveted gold medal. But is it a level playing field for all the athletes, given the doping scandals that have already marred these Olympics?

Monsignor Vladimir Felzmann is the Chaplain for Sport in the archdiocese of Westminster and also the chief executive of the John Paul Foundation for Sport. The new organisation was launched by Pope Benedict during his visit to Britain in 2010 and was inspired by John Paul’s vision for sport. Monsignor Felzmann spoke to Vatican Radio's Susy Hodges.

Listen to the extended interview with Monsignor Felzmann: RealAudioMP3

Asked about the doping scandals, Monsignor Felzmann says athletes are enormously ambitious and as in other walks of life, there are people in sport "who want to have the edge." and there are some top athletes who will "do anything" to get that extra edge. What is encouraging, says Monsignor Felzmann, is that nowadays those who cheat in sport are getting found out: "As the technology improves, it's getting harder and harder to escape (detection)."

Monsignor Felzmann goes on to talk about the growing importance that the Church now attaches to sport whereas in the past he says it was often seen "with suspicion." As he notes, "it's a give-away that sport currently has no patron saint " in the Church. He is convinced that after the late Pope's cannonization, John Paul II will become the patron saint of sports.

Among the various benefits and virtues that sports can teach us, Monsignor Felzmann points to the ability of events like the Olympics to help overcome divisions and unite people from different cultures. Sport also teaches "self discipline" and this is a skill , he says, that can be transferred to one's life in general.

Monsignor Felzmann says sport can be "sacramental" and is also character building: "It's an educational tool for developing the holistic character of a person" and "is a vehicle for evangelisation."

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