2012-07-11 16:36:00

Foreign workers face tighter rules in Singapore

(11.07. 2012I) Stricter rules will apply to foreign workers in Singapore, as the tiny city-state has adopted a series of measures that modify existing immigration laws. The new rules will apply to family reunification. On his website, the prime minister indicated that he hoped the flow of foreigners seeking employment would be better managed as their greater presence has generated public disquiet. As of 1st September, foreign workers must earn at least S$ 4,000 (US$ 3,150) a month compared with the current S$2,800 to sponsor their spouses and children for their stay in Singapore. Foreign workers whose families are already in Singapore, will not be affected by the changes. The job competition between foreigners and locals is, with inflation, Singapore's main problem. Prime Minister and People's Action Party leader Lee Hsien Loong based his election campaign last year on the issue. Under the proposed amendments, permanent residents who flout the city's laws, or are involved in any activity that "threatens a breach of peace, or is prejudicial to public order" will lose their permanent residency status, or have their re-entry permit cancelled. The new rules will make marriages of convenience to obtain immigration privileges an offence. The proposed penalty for sham marriages includes a maximum fine of S$ 10,000 (US$ 7,875) and a jail term of up to ten years. Forging documents may be punishable with a fine of up to S$ 8,000 (US$ 6,300) and a maximum jail term of five years

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