2012-06-30 07:58:47

Lombardi editorial: Pallium sign of unity

There is so much meaning in this wonderful summer feast in Rome, which is celebrated beneath the cupola and above the altar that is directly above Peter’s tomb, in the Basilica that opens onto the Piazza where is martyrdom took place, where he was crucified upside down out of a humble and faithful love for his Lord.

This year, coming from London’s Westminster Abbey - heart of the Anglican communion and which is also dedicated to St. Peter - one of the most famous choirs in the world has come to sing with the Sistine Chapel. In faithfulness to the great liturgical tradition, the passion for unity constantly grows.

The envoys of the Orthodox ecumenical Patriarch came from Constantinople, the seat of Andrew, Peter’s brother, to renew an old tradition of exchanging good wishes and prayers on the feast day of the two apostles, leaders of the Churches of the East and West. To renew the desire and a hope that has never died for a fuller communion.

From all the continents, from every region of the Catholic Church, over 40 new archbishops appointed during the year came to personally receive from the Pope the pallium, which was kept on Peter’s tomb and which they will now carry on their shoulders to their sees, a sign of unity with the Successor of the Chief of the apostles, while, like Paul, they proclaim the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
Peter, Andrew, Paul. From Jerusalem to Rome, to the world. Unity and a wish for a more substantial communion. Service to the Gospel to the point of martyrdom.

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