2012-06-29 18:01:56

Saints Peter and Paul together represent the Whole Gospel of Christ: Pope

June 29, 2012: At a solemn Eucharistic Celebration on the occasion of the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, the principal Patrons of the Church of Rome, Pope Benedict XVI addressed a large gathering of Cardinals, metropolitan Archbishops, Bishops, Clergy, religious and the faithful and said

Christian tradition has always considered Saint Peter and Saint Paul to be inseparable: indeed, together, they represent the whole Gospel of Christ. In Rome, their bond as brothers in the faith came to acquire a particular significance. Indeed, the Christian community of this City considered them a kind of counterbalance to the mythical Romulus and Remus, the two brothers held to be the founders of Rome. A further parallel comes to mind, still on the theme of brothers: whereas the first biblical pair of brothers demonstrate the effects of sin, as Cain kills Abel, yet Peter and Paul, much as they differ from one another in human terms and notwithstanding the conflicts that arose in their relationship, illustrate a new way of being brothers, lived according to the Gospel, an authentic way made possible by the grace of Christ’s Gospel working within them. Only by following Jesus does one arrive at this new brotherhood.

He further elaborated on the two images – that of the keys and that of binding and loosing – which express similar meanings which reinforce one another. He also spoke of the significance of the iconographic tradition that represents Saint Paul with a sword.

He concluded interceding the Holy Mother of God and Queen of Apostles asking her to guide and accompany us always along the path of faith and charity.

In an ecumenical spirit the Choir of Westminster Abbey provided the music for the liturgy alongside the choir of the Sistine Chapel. The Pope graciously greeted and thanked them.

Later addressing the crowds gathered for the angelus at the St. Peter’s square, the Holy Father said “We are joyfully celebrating the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, a festival that accompanies the history of two millennia of Christian people.” “They are called pillars of the growing Church. They were distinguished witnesses of the faith had expanded the Kingdom of God with their different gifts and example of the Divine Master, having sealed their work of evangelisation with their blood. Their martyrdom is a sign of unity of the Church” He said.

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