2012-06-29 18:26:26

A pallium and more for Baltimore

(Vatican Radio) “It’s a sign of that unity, the Holy Father wears a pallium and we, in imitation of him, wear a pallium” says Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore in the United States. He was one of over 40 men, leaders of Metropolitan Archdioceses drawn from all five continents, to receive the pallium from Pope Benedict XVI Friday morning.

“It’s a sign of our communion, of all of our communion, with the Pope” continues Archbishop Lori, who this year was appointed to the US Churches’ premier and oldest See. “Secondly its made of wool which signifies the high priesthood of Jesus Christ, who takes the lost sheep, suffering humanity, places it on his shoulders and brings it to safety. By putting this wool around are shoulders we are reminded to imitate Christ the Good Shepherd. I feel very humbled and very close to the Holy Father and universal Church”.

Speaking to Susy Hodges, Archbishop Lori outlines the challenges that lie ahead in his local Church:“I’m fairly new, so I will probably no better those challenges in time to come. But among those challenges that I know of right away is increasing vocations. As I travel around the archdiocese I’m really very encouraged because I meet many young people interested in a vocation and the priesthood. So I believe that we will see an increase in vocations”.

He also describes the Fortnight for Freedom initiative in the U.S as a “time of grace, prayer and education” and not only for the Church but for wider society. Listen to the full interview: RealAudioMP3

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