2012-06-15 10:15:46

Notes to touch our cold ungrateful hearts...

There are so many great hymns written in honour of the Sacred Heart. 'Singing hymns is the normal expression of an Englishman's devotion. Unless he sings he is at a loss how adequately to express his religious emotions .'

That at any rate is what Cardinal Bourne had to say in 1932 says Monsignor Philip Whitmore, adding : "...Maybe these days we're less inhibited about expressing our feelings , but it's certainly true that hymns to the Sacred Heart make a strong appeal to the emotions..."

One reason Monsignocr Whitmore adds as to why the devotion grew so fast :" ...was to counteract an over-emphasis on rationalistic religion. We pray to the Heart of Jesus to touch our cold ungrateful hearts, and to set them aflame with love for Our Saviour."...

A programme produced by Veronica Scarisbrick..

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