2012-05-31 09:29:34

U.S. Embassy to Holy See: peace building conference

The U.S. Embassy to the Holy See is sponsoring a Rome conference Thursday May 31 entitled “International Conflict and Inter-faith Cooperation: how religious beodies and governments can cooperate to build peace.”
The conference, moderated by U.S. Ambassador Miguel Diaz, will host a panel of Christian, Muslim and Jewish speakers, including the Chief Rabbi of Rome, Riccardo Di Segni; Archbishop Antonio Ledesma of Cagayan de Oro, the Philippines; Imam Yahya Sergio Yahe Pallavicini, the Vice President of Italy’s Islamic community; and Chairman of the Ugandan Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop John Baptist Odama of Gulu.
Vatican Radio spoke to Maryann Cusimano Love, Associate Professor of International Relations at the Catholic University of America who will also address the conference.
Prof. Cusimano Love is on the Core Group for the U.S. State Department’s working group on Religion and Foreign Policy and serves on the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ International Justice and Peace Committee.
Tracey McClure asks Professor Love how Christians, Muslims and Jews can contribute to world peace and realistically, how can they cooperate towards that goal?
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