2012-05-31 08:58:19

The Visitation: "With God nothing is impossible"...

Monsignor Philip Whitmore brings us a musical meditation on the second Joyful Mysteryof the Rosary , the Visitation with settings of the Magnificat by Monteverdi and Bach:

" On hearing the news the Angel brought her, Mary went as quickly as she could to visit her cousin Elizabeth. Not only was the young virgin to give birth to a child, but so was her older cousin , who had been barren for years. With God nothing is impossible. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, straight away she cried out: 'Of all women , you are the most blessed and blessed is the fruit of your womb.'

In reply, Mary poured out her feelings of joy and exultation in that glorious canticle the Magnificat, which the Church uses in the office of Evening Prayer every day."

A programme produced by Veronica Scarisbrick .

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