2012-03-14 16:42:25

March 14, 2012

MARY AND PRAYER: Pope Benedict begins a new chapter on prayer at his Wednesday Audience by reflecting on how Mary prays in and with the Church at every decisive moment of salvation history....
EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS BELL: In the run up to the international Eucharistic Congress in Dublin this June, we find out why a bell is a key symbol of this gathering….and how it has been rung by more than a quarter of a million people during a pilgrimage ahead of the event including the Pope.....
SPOTLIGHT ON SOUTH SUDAN: With hundreds killed this week in fresh ethnic violence in South Sudan, an executive from Catholic Relief Services tells us more about this impoverished and violence-plagued new nation and the worsening humanitarian emergency it faces....
LENTEN REFLECTION ON WILDERNESS: Just as Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness, Jesuit priest Chris Boles urges us to get into nature this Lenten season to help us connect with God the creator and grow in our faith......... RealAudioMP3

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