2012-03-02 10:03:44

Cuban bishops welcome Pope for upcoming visit

The bishops of Cuba have issued a declaration of welcome to Pope Benedict XVI in anticipation of the upcoming Apostolic Voyage to their country. The visit, they said, fulfills “a desire that has long been alive in the hearts of Catholics and of many Cubans who identify themselves as Catholics or otherwise feel themselves to be connected to the Church in some way.”

The bishops recall that the Visit has also been long desired by the Pope, “who, despite the limits imposed by age and the great responsibility he bears in the Church and the world, wanted to come to accompany Cubans as they celebrate the fourth centenary of the discovery and the presence of the blessed image of Our Lady of Charity in our country.”

Pope Benedict will arrive in Cuba on 26 March for a three-day visit, following his voyage to Mexico from 23-26 March.

In their declaration, Cuba’s bishops noted that the Holy Father is travelling to the country “in his role as Universal Pastor of the Catholic Church, the successor of the Apostle Peter, to whom Jesus entrusted the task both of strengthening the faith of his brothers and of serving as a sign of the unity of the Church in the world.”

The Pope is coming, too, as a “Pilgrim of Charity.” “As is well-known,” the bishops write, “Charity is the title under which Cubans venerate the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ, and this name has accompanied, protected and relieved our people in every moment of our history for the past 400 years.”

The bishops conclude their letter by inviting all the faithful, and all the people of Cuba, to join in the two celebrations of the Holy Mass, to be held in Santiago and Havana. They urged the faithful to prepare spiritually for the visit, with a special program of prayers and devotions in the week leading up to the Pope’s arrival. Thursday 15 March will be a day dedicated to Eucharistic prayer in all the communities, while the following day, Friday 16 March will be a day of fasting. The bishops are dedicating Saturday 17 March as a day for the performance of corporal works of mercy. These works, the bishops hope, will increase the spiritual fruits of the Holy Father’s visit.

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