2012-02-21 14:25:40

“The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo”

As Vatican Radio’s film critic Peter Malone writes in his review, Scandinavian author Stieg Larsson’s Millennium trilogy reached a vast number of readers.
“The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo” introduced one of the standout idiosyncratic characters in fiction, Lisbeth Salander. Amongst other piercings, rings and sometime Mohawk hairdo, she has a dragon tattooed on her back. She is abrupt in manner, quick in retort, exhibits signs of Asperges syndrome, but is a whiz in information technology and computer hacking. She has worked on an assignment, investigating a journalist, Michael Blomquist, who has lost a libel case, his reputation and his savings.
As Peter Malone tells Linda Bordoni, in the film, we spend a great deal of time involved with each of these two characters, their lives running parallel!...
listen to Peter Malone's review... RealAudioMP3

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