2012-02-20 15:01:47

Caritas Lebanon prepares for influx of Syrian refugees

Catholic humanitarian agencies in Lebanon are gearing up to receive more refugees fleeing the conflict in neighbouring Syria. The Director of the Catholic charity Caritas Lebanon’s Migrant Center, Najla Chahda says more than 6,100 Syrians have crossed the border since the start of the uprising last year. That number reflects those who have officially registered with UNHCR, the United Nations’ office for refugees in Beirut which estimates there may be as many as 10,000 Syrian refugees in Lebanon. Some have turned directly to family members in the country or to aid agencies like Caritas to seek assistance.

It’s “a small number,” she explains, “because we don’t think that up till now that a lot of Syrians have left their villages. First, for security reasons, they can’t cross, second, there is some concern for Syrians to leave their homes and villages. They prefer to stay in order to preserve what they have.” Chahda says that so far, few Christians seem to be among those fleeing Syria into Lebanon.

Caritas’ Migrant Center is coordinating its response together with UNHCR and has helped distribute hygienic, clothing, food and other materials to refugees who have found hospitality often with poor family members in Lebanon. As Caritas Lebanon and UNHCR prepare to receive larger numbers of refugees should the violence increase dramatically, Chahda explains that convents, including nine in Beirut and others in the North and in the Bekkaa Valley, have been recruited to accommodate hundreds of new refugees if necessary.

In this interview with Tracey McClure, Chahda also explains how the Lebanese are divided over their support or condemnation of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime. “The Lebanese are very afraid and concerned – mainly the Christians (who fear) the consequences on the demographic situation in Lebanon.”

Lebanon is roughly made up of 60% Muslims and 40% Christian denominations.

Listen to the interview with Najla Chahda: RealAudioMP3

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