Pope Benedict: Jesus Christ is the key to priestly life
This year the Pontifical Seminaries of Campania, Calabria and Umbria in Italy are
celebrating the Centenary of their inauguration and it was on this occasion that Pope
Benedict meet with Staff and Seminarians of these institutions on Thursday in the
Clementine Hall of the Apostolic Palace.
The Pope speaking to those gathered
underlined the important role regional seminaries play in the life of a diocese adding,
that they are places that foster knowledge, encourage an ability to work together
and provide an enriching ecclesial experience for future priests.
on the regions in question, the Holy Father described Umbria as a place of spirituality
and pilgrimage which was the birthplace of St Francis and St Benedict, while also
noting how this small region has been affected by the economic downturn. Referring
to Calabria and Campania, Pope Benedict called them areas of strong traditions and
devotions which should result, he said, in “renewed evangelisation.”
to the life and work of the priest, the Pope stressed the importance of learning about
the structure of the faith as a whole.
He also added that "for the priest,
who will accompany others along the way to the door of life and death, it is important
that he puts in balance the heart and intellect, reason and feeling, body and soul.
concluding remarks, the Holy Father said, the most important thing in the priesthood
and during the whole of priestly life is the personal relationship with God in Jesus
Christ. Listen to Lydia O'Kane's report.