Holy See ratifies UN Convention on combating International Crime
The Holy See, acting also in the name and on behalf of Vatican City State, has adhered
to the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism
(New York, 1999) and to the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organised
Crime (Palermo, 2000).
On the same date (January 25th) the Holy
See ratified, likewise in the name and on behalf of Vatican City State, the United
Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
(Vienna, 1988), which it had already signed in the year in which it was adopted. The
instruments of ratification and adherence were accompanied by a number of reservations
and interpretative declarations.
In a note concerning Monday's move Archbishop
Dominique Mamberti, secretary for Relations with States, explains that "this step
represents a further recognition by the Holy See of the efforts of the community of
States to prevent and combat the most serious forms of transnational criminal activity,
of dramatic actuality, through appropriate instruments of international cooperation".
Holy Father reminds us that terrorism and organised crime threaten the dignity of
human beings and the common good in every country in the world". Therefore, juridical
instruments which counter these forms of illicit activity also contribute to peace
and security. With its adhesion to and ratification of the three treaties in question,
"the Holy See confirms its intention as well as its effective and practical commitment
to collaborate with the international community in a manner consistent with its nature
and mission, with a view to guaranteeing international peace and justice".
adoption of these instruments constitutes a further refinement of the legal structure
of Vatican City State, which had already developed in this direction through the adoption
of various laws concerning the prevention and combating of the laundering of money
derived from criminal activity and the financing of terrorism. The new legal instruments
offered by the three treaties also aim to raise the level of collaboration between
the tribunals of Vatican City State and those of other States.
The Secretary
for Relations with States also explains that "these international commitments do not
prejudice the sovereign right of each State to abstain from collaborating with respect
to pending legal proceedings in other contexts when those proceedings could give rise
to forms of persecution of an individual for political, religious, ethnic or similar
Finally, Archbishop Mamberti makes it clear that Monday's steps
"facilitate further the coming together of justice and peace", and confirm the truth
of the Holy See's "commitment to the respect of human dignity and concord between
persons and peoples".