POPE AND CHRIST’S PRIESTLY PRAYER: Pope Benedict continues his catechesis
on Christian prayer at his Wednesday general audience by reflecting on Christ’s prayer
at the Last Supper which instituted the Church and noting that Christ also implores
the gift of unity for all Christians.... EXAMINING THE FIGURE OF ST. PAUL:
As the Church marks the feast of the conversion of St Paul the apostle, we explore
the figure of the man, known as the Apostle of the Gentiles, with the help of a leading
Pauline scholar…. EGYPTIAN REVOLUTION: ONE YEAR ON: Fear and frustration
among many Egyptians on the first anniversary of the nation’s popular uprising that
ousted the regime of Hosni Mubarek...we find out why by speaking to a representative
of the nation’s Coptic Christian community.... ARCHBISHOP CELLI: VALUE OF
SILENCE: The head of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications talks
about the Pope’s message for the World Day of Communications whose theme this year
is “Silence and Words: a path of Evangelization.”......