January the 25th is the day the Church celebrates the feast of the conversion
of the apostle St Paul and the date also traditionally marks the conclusion of the
week of prayer for Christian unity. Known as the Apostle of the Gentiles, St
Paul became one of the Church’s foremost evangelisers after his dramatic conversion
to Christianity on the road to Damascus. Paul’s letters are a primary source of information
about the life of the early Christian Church and his influence on Christian thinking,
arguably, has been more significant than any other New Testament author.
Father Jerome Murphy O’Connor is one of the world’s most renowned scholars on St.
Paul and the author of several books on the apostle’s life and teachings. Father
Murphy O'Connor spoke to Susy Hodges about why St. Paul is such an important figure
when it comes to the issue of Christian unity and also examines the apostle's character,
his achievements and his legacy.
He said St. Paul's solution to the divisions
he saw around him "was to create a community" centred around the body of Jesus Christ.
Speaking about his success as an avangeliser, Father Murphy O'Connor said this was
"due to his ability to bring Jesus Christ alive" to his audience. Asked about the
character of St. Paul, he said the apostle was "uncompromising and extremely thin-skinned"
and was a man who "never watered down his ideals."
Listen to the full interview
by Susy Hodges with Father Jerome Murphy O'Connor: