Below is the text of the weekly editorial from the director of CTV, Fr. Federico Lombardi,
Evangelisation and unity
“The New evangelisation can be more
advantageous if all Christians announce together the truth of the Gospel of Jesus
Christ and give a common answer to the thirst of our times.” These were some of the
words of Pope Benedict XVI at the General Audience on January 18th, at
the beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Once again, it is clear
how ecumenical commitment is essential, both within the Church’s mission in today’s
world and within the pontificate of Benedict XVI. The theme of the “new evangelisation”
that accompanies us towards the Synod of Bishops next autumn is intrinsically ecumenical,
and the “Year of the Faith” proclaimed by the Pope will have an ecumenical dimension
on a universal level too, highlighted by specific celebrations, as explained by a
recent Note from the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith. That Note recalls how,
“The unity of all Christians is one of the main purposes of the Second Vatican Council,”
which has reached its fiftieth anniversary. The spiritual thirst of our time calls
for a credible and effective shared response, however difficult it might be to achieve.
Speaking to an ecumenical delegation of Lutherans from Finland on Thursday, the Pope
observed that, “Recently ethical issues have become one of the points of divergence
between Christians.” Nevertheless, “A profound agreement on matters of anthropology,”
said Pope Benedict, “can then help society and politicians to make wise and just decisions
regarding important questions in the area of human life, family and sexuality.” In
short: our goal is unity for communion in the faith, unity for serving the journey
of humanity.