The Pope, the Neo-Catechumenal Way and New Evangelisation
This Friday, Pope Benedict XVI not only approved the celebrations contained in the
Catechetical Directory of the lay movement the Neo-Catechumenal Way, but in
a special audience with 7 thousand of its members, he sent out seventeen new "ad gentes"
missions drawn from the global movement to bring the Gospel to those countries where
it has never been announced, and others where it has been forgotten.
Each mission
is made up of three or four large families, members of the Neo-Catechumenal Way who,
accompanied by a priest. In short, their task is to kick start the new evangelisation.
Twelve missions will go to Europe, four to America and one to Africa.
Holy Father's told the 7 thousand strong audience Friday "Over these decades of life
of the Way, your firm commitment has been to proclaim the Gospel of the risen Christ,
... often abandoning personal and material security. ... Bringing Christ to mankind
and mankind to Christ is what animates all evangelising work. You achieve this on
a path which helps those who have already been baptised to rediscover the beauty of
the life of faith, the joy of being Christian. ... We know that this is not always
easy. Sometimes you find yourselves in places in which a first announcement of the
Gospel is needed: the 'missio ad gentes'. At other times you are present in areas
which, though they have known Christ, have become indifferent to the faith, areas
in which laicism has eclipsed the sense of God and obscured Christian values. May
your commitment and witness be as a leaven which - patiently, respecting times and
with 'sensus Ecclesia' - causes the dough to rise”.
The Papal audience also
marked the publication Friday of a decree approving the celebrations contained in
the Catechetical Directory of the Neo-Catechumenal Way.
Pope Benedict commented
on the decree in his address, saying although "not strictly liturgical” they “are
part of the itinerary of growth in the faith. This is a further element showing you
that the Church accompanies you attentively and with patient discernment, that she
understands your richness but also looks to the communion and harmony of the entire
'Corpus Ecclesiae'”.
"Precisely in order to foment a renewal of the richness
of sacramental life among people who have distanced themselves from the Church, or
who have not received adequate formation, the members of the Neo-Catechumenal Way
can celebrate the Sunday Eucharist in small communities".
"Yet even during
the journey it is important not to separate oneself from the parish community, and
particularly in the celebration of the Eucharist which is the true place of universal
unity, where the Lord embraces us in our various states of spiritual maturity and
unites us in the one bread that makes us one body".
The text of the
decree published today reads:
"By a decree of 11 May 2008 the Pontifical
Council for the Laity gave definitive approval to the Statutes of the Neo-Catechumenal
Way. Subsequently, following due consultation with the Congregation for the Doctrine
of the Faith, by a decree of 26 December 2010, the council gave approval to the publication
of the Catechetical Directory as a valid and binding instrument for the catechesis
of the Neo-Catechumenal Way.
"Now, pursuant to articles 131 and 133 paragraphs
1 and 2 of the Apostolic Constitution 'Pastor Bonus' on the Roman Curia, the Pontifical
Council for the Laity, having received the 'nulla osta' of the Congregation for Divine
Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, grants approval to those celebrations
contained in the Catechetical Directory of the Neo-Catechumenal Way which are not,
by their nature, already regulated by the liturgical books of the Church".