At the foundation of the life of a priest must be an deep relationship with God: this
was the message of Pope Benedict this morning to the community of the Almo Collegio
Capranica one of the oldest seminaries of Rome. Saturday, the feast of St Agnes, the
seminary markes 555 years.
The Holy Father urged the future priests to engage
the future with courage in the work of the new Evangelisation: “The Church expects
much from the young priests in the work of evangelization and new evangelization”.
And he encouraged them to learn from their time in formation, and to appreciate the
privilege of studying in Rome: “Always have a deep sense of the history and tradition
of the Church! Being in Rome is a gift that should make you especially sensitive to
the depth of the Catholic tradition.”
He then recalled the figure of St. Agnes,
the patron of the College. "St. Agnes," he said, "is one of the most famous young
women of Rome, a girl who illustrated the beauty of genuine faith in Christ and friendship
with Him." On the Vigil of her Feast, the Pope called on the seminarians to follow
her example of martyrdom and virginity, in order to be credible witnesses of the Faith.
Finally, the Pope said, “The formation of the priest requires integrity, completeness,
ascetic exercise, heroic constancy and fidelity in all the aspects that constitute
that formation. In its foundation there should be a solid spiritual life, animated
by an intense relationship with God, both at a personal and at a communal level, with
particular care for the celebration of the liturgy and frequent reception of the Sacraments.”