The archbishop of Washington, DC, Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl is in Rome this week for
his ad limina visit. Following Thursday’s group audience with Pope Benedict
XVI involving all the US bishops here this week, Cardinal Wuerl spoke with Chris Altieri,
who asked him about the importance for the Church of maintaining a strong presence
in the US national public life.
Cardinal Wuerl explained what he sees as the
main challenge to the Church’s place in the conversation, saying, “Today there is
a push toward a secular society, as if somehow, secularism has a hegemony over the
public order.” Cardinal Wuerl criticised that view of things, saying, “We’re talking
about a pluralistic society in which all the values are present, in which everyone
has a voice – and this is being challenged today, even eroded today, by the idea that
there is a monolithic secular society that should be the only voice in the public
“We are citizens of the Kingdom of God, [which is] unfolding in our
world,” said Cardinal Wuerl, “and we are also citizens of the nation in which we live.”
Cardinal Wuerl went on to say, “The reason faith and public life will always find
a mixture, a mingling, is because the same person who is a citizen is also a believer.”
Listen to Chris Altieri’s extended interview with Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl of Washington,