In his speech to the Diplomatic Corps on
January 9th, Pope Benedict XVI returned to the crucial issue of religious
freedom: an issue that was at the core of his address last year and that has continued
to be of pressing concern in many parts of the world. Perhaps nowhere has the importance
of religious freedom been set in relief with such tragic spectacle as in Pakistan,
where in March of last year, the country’s Minister for Minorities – a Catholic –
Shabaz Bhatti, was assassinated. The recent annual report of the international evangelical
non-governmental organisation Open Doors on the persecution of Christians in the world
contains a world index of persecution according to which the first ten places are
occupied by the following countries in descending order: North Korea, Afghanistan,
Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Iran, Maldives, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Iraq and Pakistan. Among
the most serious concerns, the increase in Islamic extremism merits special attention.
Persons and organizations dedicated to extremist Islamic ideology perpetrate terrible
acts of violence in many places throughout the world: the Boko Haram sect in Nigeria
is but one example. Then there is the climate of insecurity that unfortunately in
some countries accompanies the so-called “Arab spring” – a climate that drives many
Christians to flee and even to emigrate. The Fides Agency has released its usual list
of Catholic workers killed in the world last year. It names 26 people: 18 priests,
4 women religious and 4 lay people. The 13 priests killed in Latin America attest
the climate of violence present in not a few countries in the region, Colombia and
Mexico in the first. Christ’s disciples will always suffer persecution for His name,
and some of these will pay with their very lives for their service to the Faith and
in the cause of justice. Such sufferings are a part of the Christian journey. Nor
ought we be amazed. Jesus said so in the Sermon on the Mount: “Blessed are they that
are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,” is the last of the Beatitudes; its promise
is reward in Heaven.