Kashmir: Mill Hill missionary charged by Islamic Court
Two Christian missionaries in Kashmir have been charged with proselytism by an Islamic
court. Althought the Court has no jurisdiction under the Indian Constitution, it
has incriminated Father Jim Borst and the Protestant Pastor Chander Mani Khanna with
proselytizing and forced conversions to Christianity.
Both men strongly deny
the charges. Fr. Borst, a Catholic missionary of the Society of St. Joseph of Mill
Hill, has been working for almost 50 years for human development of the Kashmiri people.
The Catholic Secular Forum, a nongovernment organization, recalls that Fr.
Borst received an expulsion order last year. Local Christian activists have expressed
alarm, saying "The situation in Kashmir is at a critical stage for the individual
liberties and religious freedom”. They have also asked the government to intervene
to protect the rights of citizens and to stop extremist elements.