Singing in Christian Unity - In the forthcoming ' Week of Prayer for
Christian Unity' ," says Monsignor Philip Whitmore , " some of you may find yourselves
singing one of Gibbons' best tunes to the words : 'O thou who at thy Eucharist didst
pray that all thy Church might be forever one' . Joan of Arc - On
Wednesday, 26 January 2011, the Holy Father focused his attention on the figure of
Joan of Arc, canonised by one of his predecessors to the See of Peter, Benedict XV
back in 1920. While Veronica Scarisbrick brings you Benedict XVI's words in English
focusing on this French saint who was born six hundred years ago, she'll also be
sharing with you an English programme production of the story focusing on this
witness to the faith. A programme which is part of a series by the title "Witness",
written and presented by Jill Bevilacqua and produced by Sean-Patrick Lovett. A
Truly Heavenly Banquet - "What do you think heaven is like?", says Monsignor
Peter Fleetwood, "...when did you last hear a priest preaching about heaven? If you
are a priest when did you last think about heaven?...The Mass , as we sometime call
the Eucharist is meant as a foretaste, of the heavenly banquet: ' happy are those
who are called to His supper'."..