2011-12-01 13:41:06

Address of Pope Benedict XVI to the Pontifical Council for the Family

(December 01, 2011) Pope Benedict XVI said that the new evangelization depends largely on the domestic Church and it is inseparable from the domain of the Christian family. The family is indeed the way of the Church because it creates situation for persons to have their encounter with Christ. The Pontiff was addressing the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Family, in Rome on Thursday, on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope John Paul II and the founding of Council itself in 1981. The Pontifical Council for the Family, instituted by Blessed John Paul II, is responsible for the promotion of the pastoral ministry and apostolate to the family, through the application of the teachings and guidelines of the ecclesiastical Magisterium, to help Christian families fulfil their educational and apostolic mission. The Pope said that the family founded on the Sacrament of Matrimony radiates and manifests to the world the love and the presence of Christ. The Christian Family through a process of ongoing conversion supported by the grace of God can live and love as communion service, and as a reciprocal gift open to all, reflecting the splendour of Christ in the world and radiating the beauty of the divine Trinity. The Pontiff further said that there are some areas of great importance to Christian families, namely, to remain in collaboration with the priests and under the guidance of their Bishops. This is essential in the education of children and adolescents, in the mutual self-giving and communion in the family, and the preparation of engaged to married life in their journey of faith, and the training of married persons, especially young couples. The Pope appreciated their work for families and service of the Gospel and invited them to make their families a source of faith and friendship.

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