2011-11-30 16:06:24

Pope’s general prayer intention for December

(Nov. 30, 2011) Pope Benedict XVI’s general prayer intention for the month of December is that all peoples may grow in harmony and peace through mutual understanding and respect.
During Advent as we prepare for Christmas, we also pray for the coming of God’s kingdom. We commit ourselves to prepare the world to receive it’s Saviour, not only in the present but until the end of time. Only when the world receives Christ and His kingdom is fully established, will there be true peace in the world.
In this month of Advent and Christmas, let us pray with Pope Benedict that all people may grow in harmony and peace through mutual understanding and respect. Peace will only come when all people recognize the God-given rights of each person. Let us pray that Christ reigns over every human heart, so that the daily prayer which Jesus taught His disciples and us, may be fulfilled and Christ’s kingdom is established in the world.

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