2011-11-05 19:54:52

Conference on degenerative and neurodegenerative illnesses

(November 05, 2011) The Conference on degenerative and neurodegenerative illnesses was addressed Friday by Polish Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, President of Vatican’s Pontifical Counsel for Healthcare workers, at the Italian House of Representative. The c onference had been convened by the Italian association bearing the name “Arte e Vita.” He opened with the remark that while in the developed world the span of life has widened considerably, older people were being affected with various maladies. In particular Archbishop Zimowski referred to neurodegenerative ailments such as dementia. In this connection he quoted Pope Benedicat XVI who in February 2008 had said: “Society has to ensure support to families that have to look after such sick persons at home. The synergy between the church and institutions was most precious to human life in its moment of fragility. Quoting the Pope once again, Archbishop Zimowski, pointed out that the bureaucracy of State Institutions cannot substitute for the love and affection that charitable organizations can give to alleviate suffering.

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