2011-10-14 16:25:29

World Food Day: from crisis to stability

Food prices – from crisis to stability. That’s the focus of this year’s World Food Day, marked annually on October 16th under the auspices of the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation based here in Rome.
While we in the West moan about rising costs of a loaf of bread, a pint of milk or a pound of meat, for a poor family living on the edge of starvation in the developing world, rising food prices can mean - literally - the difference between life and death.
That’s the stark warning contained in a new report from CIDSE, the Brussels based alliance of Catholic development agencies working for global justice, ahead of World Food Day and an upcoming food security summit here in Rome next week.
With around one billion people still going hungry, while about a third of our global food production is wasted or thrown away, CIDSE says it’s high time to rethink the whole pricing, trading and distribution system to combat this crisis and create food security for all
Bernd Nilles is CIDSE’s Secretary General …..

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