2011-10-07 14:47:20

Joan Knows: papal visit to Lamezia Terme

Just back to the Vatican after a 85 day stay at the papal residence of Castel Gandolfo outside Rome, the Pope’s on the road again Sunday – this time, a one day pastoral visit to the archdiocese of Lamezia Terme down in the Calabrian region of the Italian peninsula. The trip is just one of dozens of pastoral visits the pope has made to Italian dioceses, where he has gone to show his support for the local Catholic communities. Not long before he was to go to Lamezia Terme, we sat down with our resident Vatican watcher Joan Lewis, a long time friend and colleague, now the Rome bureau chief of EWTN to hear more about the trip. Come join us in studio as we take a brief look back at the past week’s events here in the Vatican and at the papal visit down south…. RealAudioMP3

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