2011-06-24 10:57:39

Standing alongside the victims of torture

The United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture is observed each year on 26th of June. The observance reminds us that torture is a crime and provides us an opportunity to stand united against this cruel violation of human rights.
Linda Bordoni spoke to Brita Sydhoff, Secretary General of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims about the purpose of this day and about the IRCT. She also explained the theme chosen this year, "Poverty", is because most of the torture survivors around the world are poor people. She also points out that up to 35% of all refugees are torture victims. Ms Sydhoff speaks of the mission of the International Rehabilitation Council for Victims of Torture and explains it has a very well thought out "strategy mix", comprising Rehabilitation, Justice and Prevention. She also speaks of a sort of "torture map" and picks out Zimbabwe as a nation in which torture is systematically used to control people who are unhappy with the ruling party. On the positive side she says you really can help people who have suffered torture to recover and to regain the capacity to lead as normal lives as possible. She also speaks of the nations in which the situation has much changed and improved in the past few decades, and of the negative effects of 9/11 and of how that kind of mentality is changing. Right now, we can all show our support and stand in solidarity with torture victims worldwide by observing this annual observance and by going into the IRCT website at www.irct.org

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