2011-04-20 16:05:13

Pope to appear on Italian Television on Good Friday

(April 20, 2011) Pope Benedict XVI will appear on Italy’s state-run RAI television network on Good Friday, April 22 to answer a few questions on the life of Jesus submitted by viewers. RAI announced in a communiqué on Wednesday that the show titled “In His image – questions on Jesus” hosted by Rosario Carello will not be live, it will be pre-taped at the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican, and Pope Benedict will have up to 80 minutes to answer the questions. The show is focussed on Jesus. Pope Benedict has written two books on “Jesus of Nazreth”. Carello said Pope Benedict and his recent predecessors have answered questions from journalists before, but never on TV. They have usually been on papal flights or for book-length interviews.
RAI’s communiqué on Wednesday gave a list of some of the questions that have been chosen. One comes from distant Japan, still suffering from the terrible tsunami and earthquake. The question is posed by a 7-year–old called Elena, who has an Italian father. The little one who lived through the disaster saw many children suffering and the question she asks is on the meaning of pain and suffering. The second question chosen comes from an Italian mother, who for the last two years has been looking after her son, who is in coma. The third is from a Muslim mother from war-torn Ivory Coast. Her question is on Jesus – the Teacher of Peace. Still another question comes from 7 young students of Bagdad in Iraq, who risk their lives daily just because they are Christians.

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