2011-04-16 18:53:29

Pope receives credentials of Spain’s Ambassador to the Holy See

(April 16, 2011) The Pope welcomed the new Spanish Ambassador to the Holy See, MARÍA JESÚS FIGA LÓPEZ – PALOP, on Saturday. Addressing her Pope Benedict XVI called for respect for the liberty of the Church, to manifest the truths of faith and conscience both in the private and public spheres. He also recommended the defence of the family and the formation of youth which does not marginalize the values of the faith, in keeping with the age-old Catholic traditions of Spain. He regretted the lack of openness of Spanish society to transcendental values. He noted a sense of hostility to the faith in such attitudes as the rejection of religious symbols which reflected the cultural identity of the majority of Spaniards. In some quarters religion was considered irrelevant for Society; hence it was no surprise to note indifference to acts of profanation and violation of the fundamental right to religious freedom which was an integral part of human dignity which in turn was an authentic instrument to achieve peace and build a better world, as he had said in his 2011 peace message. The Holy father upheld the right to life from its beginning to its natural end, as also respect for the family and concrete help to a man and woman to marry and form a family as a sanctuary of love and life. He shared with Spain the concerns created by the world economic crisis, which hit in particular unemployed youth and needy families. The Pope concluded recalling his forthcoming visit to Madrid for the World Youth Day. And he looked forward once again to the greatness of heart and spirit of the Spanish people to help make that day a success.

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