2011-01-07 15:26:30

Cardinal Dias concludes Vietnam’s centenary celebrations

(January 07, 2011) A top Vatican official on Thursday brought to a conclusion the yearlong celebrations marking 350 years since the foundation of the Apostolic Vicariate in Vietnam and 50 years since the establishment of the local Church hierarchy. Indian Cardinal Ivan Dias, the prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, was the Pope’s special envoy to the 3-day closing event at the national Marina Shrine of La Vang. Speaking during a Mass at the shrine Cardinal Dias reflected on the manifestation of the Lord to the Magi, which the Church marks on Epiphany Day, Jan. 6. “God who is love, manifested Himself to us in the person of His only Son, Jesus, in Bethlehem, 2000 years ago and still continues to manifest Himself today to those who can recognize Him in daily life.” In this regard, the Indian prelate particularly expressed gratitude to the courageous missionaries who came from distant lands to Vietnam to preach to the local people the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the World. Expressing pride in Vietnam’s 117 martyrs, the cardinal said that the Church needs more than ever before holy sons and daughters who live their daily life simply but boldly alongside their fellow citizens in society. Cardinal Dias wished that Vietnam’s 6 million Catholics, including bishops and priests, commit themselves seriously to personal conversion and holiness in order to spread their faith and the good news of Jesus through the witness of life.

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