Doctor of the Church, John of the Cross is one of the greatest spiritual writers
of all time . Jill Bevilacqua brings us excerpts from the writings of this Carmelite
mystic, poet and shares with us some background information, in a programme produced
by Sean Patrick Lovett : " ...During the long, scorching Spanish summer of 1577
John was in prison . And it was here that he came to know the reality of the Cross
. He was imprisoned in a a cell ten feet by six , which was lit only by a hole high
in the wall . And yet here, as he himself said , there came to him through the suffering
pure mystical poetry .." "...With the grace of God , comments John of the Cross,
those who are drawn to contemplation may experience the presence of God in a way
comparable to that which we enjoy when our friends meet us." "But before reaching
such a point the soul has to go through what is usually described as a dark night
in which we must surrender all our senses . This is followed by yet another darker
night in which we have to abandon our own way of thinking and willing , throwing overboard
all familiar supports. " Listen: