Intervention of Mons. Flavien Joseph MELKI, Titular Bishop of Dara of the Syrians,
Curia Bishop of Antioch of the Syrians (LEBANON), “IN SCRIPTIS”
Paragraph 25 of the Instrumentum laboris calls on the Middle Eastern Christians to
put everything into practice, together with the moderate and illuminated Muslims,
to be able to establish in the Islamic States, where they live, a “positive Laicity”
which would guarantee equality for all citizens, recognizing the beneficial role of
religions. This reform of the political and theocratic regime of our country “would
make the promotion of a healthy democracy easier”. These propositions, as hoped
for and legitimate as they may be, is there any possibility of them being put into
practice? Is it even thinkable that the Arabic countries of the Middle East, where
fundamentalism is becoming more entrenched, will accept in the near future abandoning
their theocratic regimes founded on the Koran and the Sharia, which constitute flagrant
discrimination towards non-Muslims? To me this seems to be in the domain of utopia,
for the centuries to come. Apart from Lebanon, Middle Eastern Christians, who number
about 15,000,000, have been for the past 14 centuries, submitted to forms of multiple
persecution, massacres, discrimination, taxation and humiliation. Even today, in the
third millennium, we watch powerless, with a wounded heart, the trials of our brothers
in Iraq and their massive exodus. Must we wait for the disappearance of Christians
in the Middle East to raise our voices and speak up with force, liberty, equality
and justice for these religious minorities threatened in their very existence? Will
the civilized world remain indifferent towards their extinction? We must act quickly
to reform the Islamic regimes. Middle Eastern Christians by themselves cannot achieve
this goal. They must be helped by the Universal Church and the democratic nations. 1
- The Holy See could intervene in this with the countries with which they have diplomatic
relations. 2 - European countries, the United States and the countries that respect
human rights should put pressure on all levels on the regimes who infringe the inalienable
rights of the human being, to lead them to reform their laws, inspired by the Islamic
Sharia, that treat religious minorities like second-class citizens. And why not
ask the international tribunals to plead the cause of Christians, victims of discrimination,
and demand that Islamic countries treat their Christian subjects, following the example
of the European states, who give Muslim minorities, who have become citizens, the
same rights as the original inhabitants. In mobilizing international opinion this
way, Christians would have reasons to hope and find their dignity as citizens once
again, which would induce them to stay. We must constantly claim our damaged rights
and our unrecognized dignity and act unceasingly to resolve this abnormal situation
following the Word of Christ: “Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will
be opened”. Or again, following the example of the poor widow in the Gospel, without
any defense, who through insisting finally obtained justice from an iniquitous judge,
without faith and without heart,