Intervention of Prof. Agostino BORROMEO, Governor-General of the Equestrian Order
of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (ITALY), auditor
This intervention is focused on the theme of emigration (no.43 48 of the Instrumentum
Laboris). It is apparent that the phenomenon of emigration in Middle Eastern countries
is determined by factors which the Church itself cannot influence as properly underlined
in no. 44. In addition to the traditional aid to the Churches, one could nevertheless
seek to put create new strategies for the betterment of living conditions for Christians. I
will cite some examples: 1) the construction of social housing; 2) the creation of
medical clinics at locations far from hospital centers; 3) the concession of micro-credit,
especially for financing activities that create new sources of income or increase
those already being received; 4) the elaboration of a system of micro-insurance, with
special reference to the health insurance sector; 5) contact with Western companies
in order to verify whether they may be interested in transferring some stages of production
processes to the Middle East. Of course, these initiatives should be activated
in close collaboration with the local ecclesiastical authorities and under the control
of the individual Churches. Even if the results may be modest, they will still represent
a concrete testimony to the closeness of Christians all around the world to the problems
and sufferings of our brothers and sisters in the Middle East.