2010-10-17 15:08:48

Intervention of Mons. Joseph ABSI, Titular Archbishop of Tarsus of the Greek-Melkites, Auxiliary Bishop and Protosyncellus of Damascus of the Greek-Melkites (SYRIA)

Since the creation of the Episcopal Conferences of the Middle Eastern countries and the creation of the Council of the Catholic Patriarchs of the Middle East, we can see that understanding, mutual aid and cooperation have developed among the Eastern Catholic Churches.
Despite all this, our Churches still need to be more open with each other.
Rivalries between Eastern Catholic Churches or within the same Church are a source of weakening and false witness. Above all we believe in the division between institutions and actions.
To reinforce their communion and their witness, our churches are invited to reflect on the following strategies:
Adoption, at all levels, of an education that could favor openness, solidarity and common action.
Sensitizing East Christian consciences so they be in the same boat and will face the same fate. They have to show an interest in each other. Meeting and mutual understanding are necessary.
Towards this goal it would be positive for all the Episcopal Conferences of the various countries to all meet up from time to time.
To allow and spread bi-ritualism in such a way that there will no longer be any untended parish, no matter what Church the parish belong to.
We have noticed that the writers of the text use, almost always imperative expressions such as: “It is necessary”, “It is essential”, “It is evident”, “It is important”, “It is certain”, “It must be”, “We must”. We would like that, at the end of the Synod, what is necessary, essential, evident, important, certain and obligatory be transformed into action. Let us not leave the Synod without having taken the measures that would allow the achievement of these imperatives. Let us convert the imperatives into clear and well-defined strategies and form commissions to pursue their realization through adequate tactics.

[00175-02.01] [IN 11] [Original text: French]

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