Intervention of H. Exc. Michael LANGRISH, Bishop of Exeter (UNITED KINGDOM)
I bring Greetings from His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. We are mindful of the
emigration of Christians in much of the Middle East and of the circumstances which
can make it difficult for them to remain and flourish. This is a situation about which
there is too much ignorance among Christians in the West. Anglicans seek to play their
part, alongside the historic churches of the Middle East in raising the awareness
of governments and the media as well as their own members. We seek to join together
in a prophetic re engagement with the scriptures, assured of the hope and truth of
the incarnate Word of God. These matters were discussed by the Archbishop and Holy
Father during the recent Papal visit to the UK. Through study, prayer, advocacy, pilgrimage,
and through drawing the Eastern Catholic Churches as fully into our ecumenical dialogue
as our Orthodox brothers and sisters, we seek to grow in our ability, by God's grace,
to hold fast, in the one body, to the one Lord by whom we are called and sanctified.