Intervention of Mons. William Hanna SHOMALI, Titular Bishop of Lydda, Auxiliary Bishop
of Jerusalem of the Latins (JERUSALEM)
The Church breathes with two lungs, John Paul II wrote: the Eastern and the Latin
Catholic Churches. These two traditions met in a joyful way in the East. The Latin
Church of the East is not Western, even it includes many westerners. An Arabic Christian
who belongs to this Church feels 100% Eastern and 100% of Latin Rite. Most of the
liturgical books on the Latin Liturgy have been translated into Arabic. The liturgical
songs went from the phase of imitation to the phase of creativity. In the first phase,
our ancestors borrowed from Gregorian chant, from the repertoires of European chants
and the Syrian Maronite liturgy. In the second phase we became creative. Our musicians,
knowing the genius of the Latin liturgy with regards to precision, concision and clarity,
composed valuable chants. They even mixed the Gregorian tradition with Eastern music,
for example, in the chanting of the psalms. Throughout Latin liturgy, our faithful
feel bound to the great Church that uses this rite on a world scale. When they travel
or emigrate, they find it easy to insert themselves in the country and in the welcoming
parishes. And, the pilgrims that visit the Holy Land and participate in our Sunday
liturgy recognize their own liturgy in it and find it easy and joyful to participate
in. This liturgy is for us a place, par excellence, for catechesis and sanctification.
During the recent periods, we rejoiced over the beatification of two Palestinian religious
women: a Carmelite and the founder of the Sisters of the Rosary. Despite what has
been achieved in liturgical matters, there is a need for a long and thoughtful inculturation
especially as regards the sacrament of marriage and the rites of baptism and funerals.
This inculturation must respect the Latin geni and the Eastern culture. We truly
hope for the unification of the Easter holiday with the Orthodox Churches. This implies
also the unification of the period of Lent and, why not, also the way of living abstinence
and fasting. Just as fasting is a respected aspect of Islam and Judaism, we hope that
Catholics of the Eastern and Latin Rites unify their way of fasting. This would be
a positive sign for Christians and also for non-Christians. The mission of evangelization
and sanctification requires liturgy. The Latin liturgy in the Middle East has a role
to play in complete respect with the Eastern liturgies which are noteworthy also,
with the catechization and sanctification of their faithful.