Intervention of Mons. 'Ad ABIKARAM, Bishop of Saint Maron of Sydney of the Maronites
How could Eastern Christians of the Expansion help Christians of the Middle East?
We believe that confirming Eastern Christians of the Expansion in their Eastern
identity and heritage would generate a dynamic drawing them to their roots, bursting
in them the spirituality and faith of their forefathers so that they become an essential
source of “spiritual support and solidarity” to their fellow Christians in their homeland.
My pastoral experience embodied this vision. In light of these principles, we
have created different activities and committees in all our parishes. Some are to
reach out to Maronites of Australia and create communication between them and Lebanon;
others are to educate them and invigorate Maroniteness so as to impel them
to support financially those of the Middle East; others are to instigate relations
with Australian Catholic and Orthodox bishops as well as Muslims for future actions. Christians
of the world, at all levels, should be involved according to a strategic plan, in
providing any help to the Churches of the East. We in the Expansion are required
to educate, confirm and sensitize our people to their Eastern identity in faith and
heritage. This will urge them to support their fellow Christians in the East and will
unify them in one Church, in Her roots and Her expansion ... the Church of New
Horizons for New Times.