2010-10-12 17:56:48

Intervention of Mons. Botros FAHIM AWAD HANNA, Titular Bishop of Mareotes, Curia Bishop of Alexandria of the Copts (EGYPT)

Through a particular choice of God, Sacred Scripture was born in our land of the East, bringing with it the characteristics of our culture; through a similar choice, the Divine Word became incarnate and shared our reality in the East. He gave himself up to death on the Cross for the salvation of all.
The first annunciation of the Gospel began in the East. Our Churches continue to be faithful to the witness of the Gospel, with God’s help, and that of all the Catholic Church and all men of goodwill, giving to the world and to the Church faithful witnesses to their faith, to the Word, to justice, and to fraternal love. Thus the Word of God will always be the guide for our missionary undertaking.
The Word of God has always fed the peoples of the East and so they have produced rich Biblical, liturgical, theological and spiritual traditions.
The source of the Word of God is still active, but the thirst for it is still powerful in our lands. This is why we need other specialists, centers and pastoral communities to study, meditate on, live and spread Biblical culture in our reality, so that the Word will be the foundation of all education, teaching and dialogue to construct the civilization of the Gospel and love for the good of all.

[00030-02.03] [IN005] [Original text: Italian]

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