2010-10-04 16:40:50

2010 Nansen Refugee Award

This evening the annual Nansen Refugee Award ceremony takes place in Geneva. This year’s winner is British photo-journalist Alexandra Fazzina, chosen for her tireless dedication to uncovering and portraying the overlooked human consequences of war. She is the first journalist to have won the Nansen Refugee Award.
The Nansen Refugee Award was established in 1954 in honour of Fridtjof Nansen, Norwegian explorer, scientist and the first U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. It is given annually to an individual or organization for outstanding work on behalf of refugees. The actual prize consists of a commemorative medal and a US $100,000 monetary prize donated by the governments of Switzerland and Norway. The winner is able to donate it to a cause of his or her choice. Linda Bordoni spoke to Alexandra Fazzina, just hours before she receives the Award…
"..50 US dollars ... really the standard price that the migrants and refugees pay to the smugglers .. one in 20 of the refugees die trying to escape and make this journey ......how cheap life is in that area of the world ..."
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