2010-09-18 14:28:30

Being young in today's Britain

Tens of thousands of faithful attended a prayer vigil in London's Hyde Park for the beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman. One of the young participants at that vigil held on the eve of Newman's beatification was Lucy Jenkinson, a 20 year old English student and a Catholic. She spoke to Philippa Hitchen before the vigil about her expectations and the challenges of being young and Catholic in today's secularised British society....

"…. I think that any Catholic that is going to the event is looking for some kind of affirmation that what they are doing is right…. a lot of very difficult issues to tackle within the faith and a lot of people think that it is quite outdated ….."

"...I don’t think prejudice is the right word but people have got a stereotyped version of that... we all know that people are having stronger anti-Catholic views ....."

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