2010-09-15 16:57:20

Newman's church in Rome

Join historian Stella Fletcher in San Giorgio al Velabro , John Henry Newman's titular church here in Rome as she speaks to us of the rooms where Newman once lived . Part of the series "Terribly English , that's why they came to Rome", produced by Veronica Scarisbrick :

"...on my right over on that far wall there's a plaque that says that John Henry Newman was cardinal of this church ..he came to Rome in 1879 ..to receive his red hat .."

"...the English community in Rome secured this church ... St George is the patron saint of England and it was thought to be terribly appropriate ...he never actually set foot in this beautiful church.."

".. .the Oratory in Birmingham where Newman lived for decades ... have kept his rooms exactly as he left them and one thing struck me in particular and that was a picture of this church on the wall .."
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