2010-08-22 18:40:14

Pope Benedict XVI: Construct a Civilisation of Love

(22 Aug 10 - RV) Pope Benedict during his Angelus at Castelgandolfo Pope Benedict urged people to build a civilisation of love, where there is the absurd logic of violence: RealAudioMP3

“Mary Queen of Peace, pray for us so that all people will be persuaded that in this world we must help each other as brothers to build the civilization of love". Those were Pope Benedict XVI’s words to the faithful, on Sunday, before reciting the Angelus prayer in the Courtyard of the Papal Summer Residence at Castelgandolfo.

The Pope recalled that Sunday’s liturgy, eight days after the feast of the Assumption, makes us venerate the Virgin under the title of Queen, because - he explained - Mary is the first that passed through the "Road" opened by Christ leading to the Kingdom of God, a way accessible to the poor, those who trust the word of God and who are committed to putting it into practice: “Today’s Gospel reminds us that the way to heaven is through the narrow door. May we enter through this narrow door by means of prayer, humility and service of our neighbours, and thus live the joy of the Kingdom even now.” "We entrust to her intercession - said the pope - the daily prayer for peace, especially where at times there is the absurd logic of violence". The Madonna is in fact "an example of the Gospel truth in which God humbles the proud and powerful of this world and raises the lowly".

During the Pope’s greetings to pilgrims, the Holy Father speaking in French urged nations to welcome diverse nationalities and invited parents to educate their children in the way of universal brotherhood. Following his greetings in various languages including English, Pope Benedict was treated to a musical interlude after which he praised the musicians and thanked them for their performance.

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