2010-07-06 13:20:59

Pope First to Register for World Youth Day Madrid 2011

(06 July 10 – RV) Registration for the next World Youth Day is now open, with Pope Benedict XVI the first to sign up. The 13th edition of the international Catholic Youth Festival will be held in the Spanish capital Madrid from 16-21 August next year, and has as its theme “Rooted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the Faith”. RealAudioMP3

According to the official WYD website, www.madrid11.com, currently, around 600,000 young people have announced their plans to register: 120,000 Italians; 70,000 French; 50,000 Poles and 25,000 Americans. If these estimates are confirmed, a record number of participants are expected in 2011

In the week leading up to August 15th feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin and the official opening of WYD week, diocese throughout Spain will host young pilgrims from across the globe in the ‘Days in the Diocese’ program.
Young people will welcome Benedict XVI to Madrid in the central Cibeles square, which will also be the starting point for the traditional Way of the Cross scheduled for Friday 19th. The aerodrome of Cuatro Vientos will host the vigil on Saturday August 20th and Mass of Sunday 21st will bring an end to WYD 2011.
Organisers underline that while there are still 404 days to go, registration is key to better understanding and addressing the pilgrims' needs. It will also aid in the organization of catechism classes in different languages and catering to the unique needs of participants with disabilities and medical conditions.

Solidarity is another important component of the WYD registration process. Upon registering, each participant is given the option add a contribution of 10 Euro or more to the Solidarity Fund. This Fund has been set up to facilitate the participation of young people from countries with economic difficulties and to ensure that people from all parts of the world have the opportunity to take part.

Registration for WYD is online - accessible 24 hours a day and from any part of the world. It is available in five languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Polish) and a Call Center provides technical support in English and Spanish 24 hours a day.

All registration options include accident insurance, access to public transportation, a backpack (with a t-shirt, hat, Madrid guidebook, handbook of all WYD activities, and other useful items), free entrance to all WYD cultural activities, and priority access to all areas reserved for registered participants at central acts and ceremonies.

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