2010-06-28 14:47:07

Pope invites Christians to a radical following of Christ

(June 28, 2010) Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday invited the faithful to be more willing and radical in responding to the call from Christ. The Pope invitation came in his comments before praying the weekly ‘Angelus’ at midday with crowds gathered in St. Peter's Square. Commenting on Sunday’s Gospel reading he said that the “Son of man has nowhere to rest his head,” that whoever “chooses to work with Him in God’s field cannot pull back”, and that a “clear break with family ties” is needed. “These needs can appear harsh,” the Pope explained, “but in reality they express the newness and absolute priority of the Kingdom of God, which comes into being in the Person of Jesus Christ himself. Ultimately, we owe such radicalness to God’s love, to which Jesus himself was first to obey”. Looking back at the Year for Priests and its conclusion on 11 June, the feast of the Sacred Heart, the Pope invited all to contemplate on the mystery of the divine-human heart of the Lord Jesus so that we may tap into the source of God’s love.
After the “Angelus’ the Holy Father recalled Br Estéphan Nehmé, a member of the Lebanese Maronite Order whose life spanned the 19th and 20th century who was beatified on Sunday in Lebanon. He entrusted Lebanon’s Christians to the protection of the new Blessed. Pope Benedict also thanked all those who through prayers and offerings, support the apostolic and charitable work of the Pope “in favour of the Universal Church and the many brothers near and far.” In fact, Sunday’s collection around the world goes to the Pope's Charity Day, which is celebrated around the world with special fundraisers on behalf of the Pontiff, who will use the money thus collected in situations of emergency and need.

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