2010-04-30 14:10:13

APRIL 30, 2010

NEWMAN AND MORE...- Newman, Saint Thomas More , Mary Ward and the English Martyrs among role models in Catholic England ? Monsignor Peter Fleetwood sets the scene for Pope Benedict XVI's forthcoming Apostolic visit to the United Kingdom.
ARTISTIC INTRIGUE - Professor of Art History Carol Richardson of the Open University of the United Kingdom unravels for us an intriguing theory regarding the figures of Saint Peter and Saint Joseph in art .
GLORIOUS MYSTERY 1- As we approach the 13th May when Pope Benedict travels to Fatima on the occasion of the Feast of Our Lady there, we bring you the first in a series of musical focusing on the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary . Monsignor Philip Whitmore in a series produced by Veronica Scarisbrick. RealAudioMP3

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